Course Sharing: Business Models and the Learning Ecosystem in Action
Read the third piece in a series focused on exploring the concept of a postsecondary learning ecosystem—one that includes not only traditional higher education institutions but also alternative providers that connect learners to the labor market.
August 10, 2023

Essential Partners: Chief Academic Officers and Chief Financial Officers
The latest post in the ACAO series shares perspectives of two chief academic officers—one from a public institution in the Midwest with 12,700 students, the other from a private university in New England with 7,000 students. The topic is the CAO’s working relationship with arguably the most important fellow vice president on campus—the chief financial officer.
April 24, 2020

Survival to Transformation: Navigating Fiscal Distress During COVID-19
The challenge ahead for higher education is unprecedented, and the typical solutions won’t sustain our institutions. If we can’t go back to what we used to be before COVID-19, we must instead evolve to something better, writes Philip Rogers.
April 23, 2020

Are More Colleges Closing? (Spoiler Alert: Probably Not)
There is no doubt that colleges and universities in demographically challenged states are facing serious headwinds. Yet, stories suggesting that colleges are closing more frequently than they did before don’t withstand a careful examination of the data.
September 23, 2019

Mergers in Higher Education: A Proactive Strategy to a Better Future?
November 15, 2017

Second-Wave Competency-Based Education: A Focus on Quality
The second CBE wave—more grounded and focused on quality than the first—is underway, and resources to support development of high-quality programs include the University of Wisconsin Flexible Option case study.
September 25, 2017

Seeking Calm in the Middle of an Imperfect Storm
The pace of change in higher education used to be seen as glacial, slow or barely perceptible. Today it is more akin to a hurricane. Misericordia President Thomas Botzman explains how his institution has navigated this shift.
April 12, 2017