Topic: policy & research


Defining and Practicing Deep Civility on College Campuses

Dialogue around the future of open expression on campuses requires us to think beyond surface expressions of civility. The University of Missouri’s Ashley Woodson looks at the idea of deep civility, which demands radically empathetic regard for others in shared spaces.

December 10, 2018

Crisis Planning: How to Prepare for Free Speech Conflicts on Campus

Traevena Byrd, vice president and general counsel at American University (DC), discusses the legal obligations college and university leaders need to consider when controversial speakers come to campus—and the importance of working with your office of legal counsel.

November 27, 2018

Cannabis and the College Campus: Considering the Impact on Students in a Changing Legal Climate

On Nov. 6, 2012, voters in Washington State joined voters in Colorado in passing legislation that legalized marijuana. Since then, eight other states and Washington, DC have passed similar bills. Jason R. Kilmer of the University of Washington looks at what legalization means for college campuses.

November 13, 2018

Practicing Vigorous Civility

We are facing a crisis of speech in the United States, a turmoil over how to speak to each other across lines of difference. And nowhere is this strain more sharply felt than at colleges and universities, writes Frederick Lawrence.

October 31, 2018

When College Feels Like the End Rather Than the Beginning

Kelly Davis, director of peer advocacy at Mental Health America, looks at how college students are leading the way to change campus mental health. This post is the latest in our series on College Student Mental Health and Well-Being.

October 24, 2018

Xavier University New Orleans

The Paradox of Free Speech in America Today

Sanford J. Ungar, president emeritus of Goucher College, former host of All Things Considered on NPR, and director of the Free Speech Project at Georgetown University describes the difficulty Americans and higher education institutions face today in figuring out what free speech means and how to implement it with reasonable, common-sense standards.

October 17, 2018

The Hard Work of Innovative Presidents and Teams

A group of 15 current and former higher education leaders met recently to discuss ACE’s American College President Study. Their conclusion: Innovative leadership is more about responding effectively to challenges than it is about predicting the future or having the newest idea.

October 1, 2018

MSIs Are a Viable Path up the Economic Ladder

New data show that minority serving institutions are transforming the lives and income mobility of students of color and students from low-income backgrounds—in many cases, at rates exceeding that of non-MSIs.

July 23, 2018

Why We Should Partner with Students to Address Campus Mental Health

Students know students, says Laura Horne, director of programs for Active Minds. Engaging them as equal partners in improving mental health on campus can make all the difference.

July 16, 2018

Climate, Mentoring, and Persistence Among Underrepresented STEM Doctoral Students

To ensure true equity and success for underrepresented students in STEM, institutional efforts to increase demographic diversity through recruitment must be accompanied by the creation of an inclusive environment where students can thrive.

June 25, 2018

Better Together: Higher Education and the Federal Government Explore Evidence for the Value of College Degrees

In 2017, The University of Texas System entered into a 10-year partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau to create a pathway for higher education institutions and state education authorities to access critical data needed to show the value of a college degree. The result was seekUT, a web tool that provides students and families an easy way to see salaries of graduates by program of study compared to student debt.

June 19, 2018

Disconnections Between Research and Practice in STEM Education

An overarching goal of STEM education research is to identify how to improve STEM learning environments through the lenses of education and social science. To make this work most effectively, this research needs to be shared with individuals directly involved in teaching or managing STEM courses. Ahlam Lee of Xavier University discusses how to make this happen.

June 13, 2018