Creating and Sustaining Wellness Cultures for Faculty, Staff, and Students to Thrive
Bernadette Mazurek Melnyk and Elizabeth R. Click examine the influence of workplace culture on well-being, emphasizing the importance of campus leaders in creating supportive environments. They argue for the value of investing in wellness programs and initiatives as a way to improve the health of campus communities.
May 13, 2024

What Can Colleges and Universities Do to Support the Mental Health of Their Student-Athletes?
The demands of the college experience can place significant stress on student-athletes, which can in turn impact their mental heatlh. How can higher education leaders, coaches, and faculty work together to address these challenges?
November 3, 2023

WISHES: A New Measurement Approach to Support Systemic Change in Student Wellbeing
The Action Network for Equitable Wellbeing has created a new survey—available at no cost—to provide colleges and universities with timely and actionable data to adapt and improve institutional norms, structures, and processes so all students can thrive and flourish.
July 28, 2023

Effective Strategies for Combating Faculty Burnout
Burnout is often seen as a personal problem, akin to managing stress. But it’s a workplace problem—which means colleges and universities can play an active role in remedying it.
May 18, 2023

Improving Mental Health Services on Campus
April 21, 2023