financial aid Archives - Higher Education Today A Blog by ACE Fri, 02 Feb 2024 20:54:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 financial aid Archives - Higher Education Today 32 32 Smith College Replaces Student Loans With Grants, Making Access and Equity a Priority Tue, 26 Oct 2021 19:07:45 +0000 https://higher-ed-today.local/?p=17689 By Kathleen McCartney Last week marked one of the most moving moments of my higher education career. With the enthusiastic support of our board of trustees, Smith College announced the elimination of loans from our financial aid packages. Beginning in fall 2022, Smith will replace federal loans with institutional grants for all current and future undergraduates. As a first-generation college student, ...

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Congress Lifted the Pell Grant Ban for Incarcerated People. What Now? Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:06:49 +0000 By Ruth Delaney and Allan Wachendorfer In December 2020, Congress lifted a 26-year ban on Pell Grants for people in prison. The change means that incarcerated people, who are disproportionately Black and brown, can now benefit from the monumental expansion of access to the transformative experience of education. Postsecondary education in prison is shown to have a positive impact on incarcerated ...

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Department of Education Should Not Leave Needy Students Out in the Cold in Midst of a Pandemic Mon, 13 Jul 2020 18:57:23 +0000 By Ted Mitchell Millions of college students and their families, like so many other Americans, are struggling financially as a result of the pandemic-caused economic downturn. That’s why Congress in March approved more than $6 billion in emergency grants for students, to be disbursed by their colleges and universities, as part of the CARES Act. That level of funding was not ...

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University of Baltimore Program Offers Human Services Degree to Incarcerated People Mon, 13 May 2019 15:53:46 +0000 The Second Chance College Program at the University of Baltimore (UB) provides access to higher education to incarcerated individuals at the Jessup Correctional Institution in Maryland, with the aim to reduce recidivism and improve outcomes for educational and employment success. Incarcerated students can pursue a bachelor of arts in human services administration, receiving instruction onsite from the same faculty who teach ...

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Research Meets Practice at UW-Madison Student Success Lab Wed, 20 Feb 2019 09:00:16 +0000 The University of Wisconsin-Madison this month celebrated the grand opening of its Student Success Through Applied Research (SSTAR) Lab, an initiative that brings research and practice together through projects that address specific needs on campus in collaboration with staff who work directly with students. The SSTAR Lab, which is housed in the Office of Student Financial Aid, may be the first ...

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Southern New Hampshire University, Other Institutions Commit to Helping DACA Students Afford College Wed, 04 Apr 2018 15:15:00 +0000 Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) is one of the latest higher education institutions to dedicate resources toward helping undocumented students afford college. SNHU will provide 1,000 students protected under the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy with full scholarships to pursue bachelor’s or associate’s degrees over the next five years. The cost of tuition is too often a barrier preventing ...

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Live Like a Student: UNI’s Financial Literacy Strategy Reduces Student Debt Wed, 03 Jan 2018 15:54:40 +0000 By Mark A. Nook In 2008, Iowa’s college and university graduates held the second highest average amount of student loan debt in the United States. Average student debt eclipsed $28,000 that year, marking the latest in a trend of rising debt among Iowa graduates. We saw this play out at the University of Northern Iowa (UNI); of those who borrowed, graduates ...

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Helping College Students Make Informed Student Loan Decisions Wed, 27 Sep 2017 15:30:59 +0000 By Kelly Rosinger As college students across the country prepare to pay tuition bills, higher education leaders, policymakers, and researchers are faced with the important question of what they can do to help students make informed borrowing decisions. The answer is not easy. College borrowing decisions are complex: each year, students have to decide whether to borrow, how much to borrow, ...

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Temple University-APLU Completion Grants Will Help Low-Income Students Graduate Wed, 22 Feb 2017 18:02:43 +0000 A nearly $4 million Department of Education (ED) grant will enable Temple University, in collaboration with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), to undertake an initiative focused on small-dollar grants to help cash-strapped, low-income students complete their degrees. The five-year project, led by Sara Goldrick-Rab, a professor of higher education in Temple’s College of Education, and Shari Garmise, vice ...

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Between Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating the Cost of College Fri, 17 Feb 2017 08:00:34 +0000 By Geoffrey L. Brackett One of my favorite episodes in Homer’s Odyssey is one of the most fearsome. It involves the sailing between the mysterious cave-dwelling monster Scylla and the terrifying, ship-destroying whirlpool known as Charybdis. There is something about having to manage two supernatural threats at once that makes Odysseus’ journey all the more frightening. Most executive leaders in higher education ...

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Waiting for the Dominoes to Fall Wed, 15 Feb 2017 15:44:26 +0000 By Jon Fansmith This post was originally written for Student Aid Perspectives, an occasional series produced by the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators. Uncertainty reigns in Washington, DC these days. The surprise election of Donald Trump and the resulting one-party control of the legislative and executive branches makes substantial changes in federal policy over the next two years nearly ...

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What Can Higher Education Expect From the Trump Administration? Thu, 17 Nov 2016 16:48:34 +0000 By Jon Fansmith The stunning election of Republican Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States on Nov. 8 reverberated across campuses and here in Washington. Immediately people began to ask, “What does a Trump presidency mean for me and my institution?” In any transition to a new presidential administration, there is uncertainty about what comes next. This ...

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