Reflections on Advancing Women in Higher Education
ACE has launched a new campaign—Moving the Needle: Advancing Women in Higher Education Leadership—that asks college and university presidents to commit to helping achieve the goal that by 2030, half of U.S. college and university chief executives are women. ACE’s Lynn M. Gangone looks at women’s advancement in higher education leadership in recent years—and the prospects for the future.
January 25, 2016
Common Characteristics of Successful Leaders
December 15, 2015
Facing Crisis in Faculty Retirement, Institutions Find Creative Solutions
Like other sectors of the U.S. workforce, higher education is facing a looming crisis in retirement as baby boomer faculty plan the next chapter of their lives. ACE’s Jean McLaughlin discusses five key takeaways on faculty retirement, for both institutions and faculty members themselves. This piece is drawn from the recent book, Faculty Retirement: Best Practices for Navigating the Transition.
December 9, 2015
Webster President Beth Stroble on College Leaders Who Tweet
The term “social media” has entered that rare stratosphere of fame and recognition normally reserved for rock stars and presidents. Now, rock stars and presidents bow to the power of social media. Webster President Beth Stroble, an enthusiastic early adopter when it comes to communication technologies, reflects on what this means for higher education.
October 19, 2015
Faculty and CFOs: It’s Not Us Versus Them
September 9, 2015
As We Remember Katrina and Recovery, Don’t Neglect Higher Education’s Role
As we reflect on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, we will no doubt read and hear stories of rescue and rebuilding and the people who made a difference. When we do, we must also recall the way the higher education community pulled together to save and restore a critical element of the Gulf Coast’s infrastructure—its wide array of colleges and universities.
August 19, 2015
The Beat Goes On
August 12, 2015
ISU President Steven Leath: Prioritize Agricultural Research
By 2050, the world population is projected to increase by roughly one third, creating one of the greatest conundrums in history: How to produce as much food in the next 35 years as we have produced in the previous several thousand. Iowa State President Steven Leath writes about his institution’s role in addressing this challenge, and the need to make agricultural research a national priority.
August 3, 2015
UAB Advancing Women Leaders in Alabama
July 15, 2015
DMU President Angela Franklin: An Unconventional Journey
Higher education leaders from around the country gathered last week in Arlington, Virginia to discuss the progress of ACE’s Moving the Needle initiative, which is working toward the goal of women holding 50 percent of college and university presidencies by 2030. In this post, Des Moines University President Angela Franklin talks about the importance of women leaders sharing their personal stories.
June 24, 2015
Opening Cuba and the World to Webster University Students
On Dec. 17, 2014, President Obama announced that he was restoring full diplomatic relations with Cuba, a historic decision that is ending over 50 years of frozen relations. Higher education has been one of the main beneficiaries of these early efforts. Beth Stroble, president of Webster University in Missouri, explores the future for continued cooperation between U.S. and Cuban institutions.
May 11, 2015
How to Explode a Myth: Reshaping the Conversation About the Liberal Arts
Higher education leaders are living and leading in the context of increased public scrutiny, demands for greater public accountability, and a “new normal” of constrained resources. Educational leaders must redouble our efforts to clarify the essential components of a high-quality college degree and provide evidence on that oft-repeated and anxiety-generated question: Is college really worth it?
April 8, 2015