Topic: policy & research


A Dream Undone?

March 16, 2015

Roanoke College Lab

Where Are the Women in STEM?

From decades of widely reported and debated research, we know that women have been enrolling in and graduating from college in greater numbers than men since the 1980s. But there is one area where the increased presence of women is notably missing—the so-called STEM fields: with the greatest disparities occurring in the important fields of engineering and computer science.

March 3, 2015

Who’s Missing From This Picture? Single Parent Students

The estimated 3.5 million students who also are single parents are almost always absent from the conversation surrounding higher education. These post-traditional learners now make up 15.2 percent of the undergraduate population, and their numbers are growing. Christopher J. Nellum and Mekaelia Davis discuss the importance of considering their needs.

September 26, 2014

Will the TEACH Act Make Higher Education More Accessible?

Colleges and universities are committed to creating the best possible learning experience for all of their students. In the case of students with disabilities, this means providing accessible campuses and learning materials that support their education. Meeting these goals can be challenging, but we believe that institutions working together with students can determine the best course of action.

September 17, 2014

chairs in a classroom

Dear Colleague…

Sexual assault at colleges and universities is a serious problem. Protecting students is paramount to the mission of all institutions, and we know that sometimes we fail. But to help achieve real change, the federal government must partner with the higher education community on a single, clear set of federal requirements in this area.

August 18, 2014


As the academic year draws to a close, it’s an appropriate time to briefly recap higher education-related activity on Capitol Hill. ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle writes on recent action—or lack thereof—in Congress and the higher education issues waiting in the wings, including President Obama’s college ratings plan.

July 8, 2014

It’s Not Just in the Numbers: Making Campus Diversity Work Post-Schuette

As the legal and political issues continue to unfold over diversity in admissions policies, we have to remember: It doesn’t matter who comes to your campus unless you make sure students are, in fact, benefiting from diverse environments. The mere presence of minority students in a classroom, laboratory, residence hall or elsewhere on campus does not automatically result in educational benefits.

May 12, 2014

U.S. Capitol

Patent Troll Legislation Could Hinder University Research and Innovation

The ability of universities to continue generating important discoveries and innovations in areas such as health and technology, research that often leads to life-saving inventions such as new drugs or groundbreaking ways to cultivate arid soil in developing countries, may rest on the outcome of a legislative battle now in Congress.

April 28, 2014