Steven Taylor
Steven Taylor is a senior fellow on postsecondary education at Stand Together Trust. He was formerly the director of the Center for Education Attainment and Innovation at the American Council on Education.
Learn more about Steven TaylorPosts by Steven Taylor

“Learning by Doing” Through Apprenticeships and Flexible Completion Pathways
A competitive workforce and an innovative economy have always depended on a mix of formal postsecondary education and “learning by doing” in the workplace. What does that mix look like in 2018?
Evaluating a Scalable Solution for Enhancing Teaching Practice
There are a variety of ways in which faculty learn, and continue to learn, about teaching. But given the increase in contingent faculty—part-time and full-time non-tenure-track faculty—who now comprise about 75 percent of all college and university instructors, the critical question is, “How do we scale faculty development efforts to reach a greater number of faculty?”

Seeking Better Student Outcomes? Start With Improving Instructional Quality
As the focus in higher education becomes more concentrated on student outcomes, the impact of instructional quality on student retention, persistence and success rates—and institutional efficiency—has come to the fore.

Bringing “America’s Promise” to Rural Communities in West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia
Tucked in the hills of rural Hardy County, West Virginia lies a small college with a big vision: to breathe life and bring jobs to the Appalachia region. Eastern West Virginia Community & Technical College in Moorefield is one of the latest recipients of a $3.6 million America’s Promise Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, given through the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission.