Gailda Pitre Davis
Gailda Pitre Davis is the assistant vice president and executive director for ACE Connect at the American Council on Education.
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Presidential Perspectives on the Opportunities and Challenges of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion were the focus of the March 8 NADOHE/ACE Joint Session, “Addressing Challenges and Opportunities of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in U.S. Higher Education: The Role of College and University Chancellors/Presidents in Today’s Colleges and Universities.”

Diversity Is Not Enough. Inclusion Is the Key.
Inclusion, simply stated, is about a sense of belonging that one or a group of individuals feels when able to participate in the majority culture on campus as valued members. This was the focus of the ACE/NADOHE Joint Session at ACE2017 entitled “Campus Leaders Creating Healthy Campus Climates.” How do we create environments where all students, faculty, and administrators feel welcomed and included at our institutions?