Jon Fansmith
Jon Fansmith is the senior vice president for government relations and national engagement at the American Council on Education
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Waiting for the Dominoes to Fall
Uncertainty reigns in Washington, DC these days. The surprise election of Donald Trump and the resulting one-party control of the legislative and executive branches makes substantial changes in federal policy over the next two years nearly inevitable. Jon Fansmith looks at what this could mean for federal financial aid.

What Can Higher Education Expect From the Trump Administration?
The stunning election of Republican Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States on Nov. 8 reverberated across campuses and here in Washington. Immediately people began to ask, “What does a Trump presidency mean for me and my institution?” ACE’s Jon Fansmith looks at the available evidence to see what the next four years might bring.

Access, Accessibility: The Future of Technology on Campus
In higher education, we tend to think of “access” in terms of a very specific set of issues. Predominantly, we use the term to talk about how low-income students or students from underrepresented groups enter higher education. But increasingly, there’s another kind of access that is drawing the attention of policymakers: access to postsecondary education for students with disabilities.
Will the TEACH Act Make Higher Education More Accessible?
Colleges and universities are committed to creating the best possible learning experience for all of their students. In the case of students with disabilities, this means providing accessible campuses and learning materials that support their education. Meeting these goals can be challenging, but we believe that institutions working together with students can determine the best course of action.