Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With Kevin McDonald
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with Kevin McDonald, vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Virginia.
January 21, 2020
The 5 Percent: Action Steps for Institutions Investing in Women of Color
The face of the college presidency has changed in recent years, moving slowly away from the monolithic profile of the past (White men over the age of 60) to something more representative of the face of colleges and universities themselves.
October 21, 2019

The Harvard Admissions Case: Reactions to the Judge’s Ruling
ACE Vice President and General Counsel Peter G. McDonough talks with four experts on diversity in admissions policy about the recent district court decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. Harvard.
October 11, 2019

An Uneven Playing Field: The Complex Educational Experiences of Asian Americans
The data on Asian Americans in higher education complicate the simple narrative that people either have it “good” or “bad,” writes Julie Park. This makes for more complicated policymaking but perhaps will help challenge the policy community to look beyond simple binaries.
August 21, 2019

A Call to Action Regarding Succession Planning and Sustainability
Presidential succession planning should be part of a broader process that takes into account the long-term sustainability, relevance, and impact of our colleges and universities, writes CUPA-HR President Andy Brantley.
August 5, 2019

Minority Serving Institutions and STEM: Acting Intentionally, Increasing Effectiveness
ACE Vice President Lorelle L. Espinosa, who co-chaired the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s committee on Minority Serving Institutions, writes that the most successful STEM programs are multidimensional and intentional, addressing the academic, financial, and social aspects of the student experience.
June 3, 2019

Florida HBCU Works to Advance Its Women STEM Faculty
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University has launched an initiative to improve the campus climate for women faculty in STEM and social and behavioral science fields.
April 22, 2019

What the Outrage Over Blackface Overlooks
We are rightly taken aback by racist yearbook photos and other symbols. But we talk much less about what they represent: the longstanding, systemic racism that permeates the lives of people of color, including critical issues linked to college access and success.
February 25, 2019

Increasing Representation of Underrepresented Groups Among STEM Faculty Members
Just as important as creating interest in STEM among students is achieving a more diverse STEM faculty. Having more role models can help students better imagine a similar career trajectory for themselves. Suzanna Rose of Florida International University looks at how institutions can pursue equity and representation among their faculty.
January 7, 2019

ACE at 100: Supporting College Access and Diversity
Achieving equitable access to college for communities of color and recognizing and protecting institutional autonomy and freedom to construct a diverse campus that generates educational benefits for its students have been critical goals for ACE throughout its history.
December 12, 2018

Defining and Practicing Deep Civility on College Campuses
Dialogue around the future of open expression on campuses requires us to think beyond surface expressions of civility. The University of Missouri’s Ashley Woodson looks at the idea of deep civility, which demands radically empathetic regard for others in shared spaces.
December 10, 2018

Northwestern University Expands Native American Initiatives
New fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research relevant to Native American communities and organizations is the latest result of Northwestern University’s (IL) efforts to address and rectify the historical mistreatment of Native Americans.
December 3, 2018