Faculty Development as an Authentic Professional Practice
For most college instructors, regular participation in their teaching development is neither a workplace expectation nor a professional obligation. Yet faculty who regularly participate in professional development improve their students’ chances for success.
January 17, 2018

Stop Counting and Start Courting: The Role of a Chief Diversity Officer
Nicole Roach, chief diversity officer at Webster University, writes that you can spend as much money as you want to recruit a more diverse student body and faculty. But if your institution does not practice inclusion at all levels, they will eventually leave for an institution that does.
January 8, 2018

ACUE Announces Collaboration With Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast
November 6, 2017

Bridging Administration and Academics: Engaging Students in Campus Planning
ACE’s Robin M. Helms interviews Caroline Neal, a graduate student at Old Dominion University (ODU) and coordinator of ACE’s Internationalization Lab at ODU.
November 1, 2017

From Goucher College President José Bowen: Using Feedback From Students to Improve Your Teaching
José Bowen, president of Goucher College (MD), says encouraging his college instructors to take risks is crucial to promote a culture of teaching on campus. Dr. Bowen recently spoke with the Association of College and University Educator about how instructors can use student feedback to improve their teaching, a topic he discusses in depth as a subject matter expert for ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices.
May 24, 2017

Seeking Better Student Outcomes? Start With Improving Instructional Quality
As the focus in higher education becomes more concentrated on student outcomes, the impact of instructional quality on student retention, persistence and success rates—and institutional efficiency—has come to the fore.
May 8, 2017

The ACE Fellows Program: Considering the Move From Faculty to Administration
Faculty member or administrator? Rob Deemer, member of the ACE Fellows Class of 2016-17, says maybe both: Leadership development programs can add to your career options rather than make you abandon the academic discipline you love.
March 1, 2017