Topic: policy & research


It Doesn’t Always Get Better for Queer-Spectrum and Trans-Spectrum College Students

Many queer-spectrum and trans-spectrum students continue to navigate stigma, peer aggression, and exclusion well into their college years. Researchers are beginning to capture their experiences, which could help lead the way to change.

June 6, 2018

STEM Climate for Students with Disabilities

More students with disabilities of all types are enrolling in postsecondary education institutions than ever before. Yet fewer of them persist to graduation relative to their peers without disabilities, and still fewer graduate with science, technology, engineering, or mathematics degrees. Rachel Friedensen, postdocotoral research associate at Iowa State University, examines this dilemma.

May 23, 2018

HBCUs, Black Women, and STEM Success

While HBCUs do their share of producing black graduates with STEM degrees, there is a greater need for equity throughout the education pipeline and in workforce hiring practices, writes Howard University’s Caroline Harper in the latest post in the series, “Campus Climate and STEM Success.”

May 14, 2018

College on the Autism Spectrum

Most first-time college students face challenges adjusting to new academic demands and campus life. For students on the autism spectrum, these challenges can be overwhelming—but with the proper support, they don’t have to be.

May 9, 2018

Why Social Interactions Matter for Our Conversations About Campus Climates and STEM

Students’ social interactions and views of race and inequality are shaped by the climate on campus, which could explain some of the disparities in the STEM fields, writes W. Carson Byrd of the University of Louisville.

April 30, 2018

Addressing STEM Culture and Climate to Increase Diversity in STEM Disciplines

Despite millions of dollars in science diversity programs designed to shift patterns of representation in the STEM fields, minoritized populations continue to be underrepresented. The University of Maryland’s Kimberly Griffin looks at the need to attend to both STEM culture and institutional climate to cultivate more inclusive learning environments and increase diversity.


April 23, 2018

Free Speech and Campus Inclusion: A Survey of College Presidents

ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy fielded its second national Pulse Point survey of college and university presidents in February to better understand their viewpoints on and experiences with free speech and campus inclusion.

April 9, 2018

For College Students and Presidents Alike, Free Speech Is a Balancing Act

In February of this year, ACE fielded a national survey of college and university presidents to better understand their thoughts and experiences with the pressing issues of free speech and campus inclusion. Comparing our findings with Knight and Gallup’s 2017 survey of college students on the First Amendment, it may be that campus leaders and their students are more aligned on these issues than we believe or the media often depicts.

April 9, 2018

College Students of Color: Confronting the Complexities of Diversity, Culture, and Mental Health

Annelle Primm of The Steve Fund discusses the need for the higher education community to institute policies and procedures to support the mental health and emotional well-being of students of color. This post is the first in a series on college student mental health and well-being.

April 2, 2018

Free Expression on Campus: Presidents Respond to 2018 Knight-Gallup Survey of College Students

The Knight Foundation has released an updated version of its survey on how college students see the First Amendment—and what they think about the relationship between inclusion and free expression. Seven college presidents and chancellors respond to the results.

March 26, 2018

Guns on Campus: An Unfolding Public Health Crisis

President Emeritus Leo Lambert of Elon University writes that it will take courage, moral leadership, and political will to solve the crisis of gun violence at colleges and universities and K-12 schools.

March 21, 2018

Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois

Fulfilling Lifelong Dreams: College Promise Programs for Adult Learners

Louis Soares and Morgan Taylor present a case for expanding Promise Programs—which help students complete their degree—to the adult student population.

February 20, 2018