Course Sharing: Business Models and the Learning Ecosystem in Action
Read the third piece in a series focused on exploring the concept of a postsecondary learning ecosystem—one that includes not only traditional higher education institutions but also alternative providers that connect learners to the labor market.
August 10, 2023
The Power of Data to Promote Equitable Higher Education Pathways
The U.S. higher education landscape consists of over one million credentials offered by more than 60,000 providers. While these options can increase access to postsecondary education, pathways built from a mix of credentials can be confusing. A new report from Credential Engine’s Equity Advisory Council aims to help.
June 12, 2023
Mapping the Ecosystem of Alternative Postsecondary Education Providers
Alternative providers are becoming a significant—if not yet indispensable—part of the U.S. higher education ecosystem. It’s essential to establish a taxonomy that helps colleges and universities make informed choices about how to work with these providers, writes Louis Soares.
March 22, 2023
![Student working on laptop](jpg/student-on-laptop-600x400.jpg)
Bringing Jobs and Workers Together in the New Skills Economy
Bridging the disconnect between learners and employers requires a new approach to help open opportunities for people who have historically been underserved by the current system. Can blockchain help fill these gaps?
July 19, 2021
George Mason’s New Digital Technology Certification Is Preparing Today’s Grads for Tomorrow’s Economy
The new digital technology credit at George Mason University, designed with detailed guidance from several major business in the Washington area, helps ensure that graduates will have skills and extensive knowledge in fields like statistics, data visualization, and cybersecurity.
June 5, 2019
“Learning by Doing” Through Apprenticeships and Flexible Completion Pathways
A competitive workforce and an innovative economy have always depended on a mix of formal postsecondary education and “learning by doing” in the workplace. What does that mix look like in 2018?
August 2, 2018
ACE at 100: Lifting Nontraditional Learners to Postsecondary Success
Helping more Americans gain access to and graduate from college has been a large part of ACE’s mission ever since the Council was formed in 1918 to help soldiers returning from World War I gain a college degree. And it continues to play a central role today, as we prepare to celebrate our centennial.
May 26, 2017
Morgan State University Paving the Way for Adult Learners Through CPL
Research shows that adult learners are more likely to enroll in, persist in and complete postsecondary education programs when institutions recognize students’ previous experiences and grant credit for prior learning. With a boost from ACE’s Center for Education, Attainment and Innovation’s College and University Partnerships, Morgan State University, the largest historically black college and university in Maryland, is doing just that.
December 12, 2016
University of Memphis Program Helps Students Cross the Finish Line
Many colleges and universities across the country are looking for effective ways to boost completion rates and help the millions nontraditional students who have some college credit but no degree. The University of Memphis Finish Line Program is an example of one initiative that has seen success with its efforts to reach out to students who have “stopped out,” abandoning their dreams of a college education.
August 9, 2016
How to Navigate the Credentialing Maze
The stunning increase in the number and variety of credentials available in this country—college degrees, educational certificates, industry credentials, licensures, and most recently micro-credentials, such as digital badges—seems like a positive thing. However, the complex and fragmented nature of the credentialing marketplace is having the opposite effect—mass confusion.
August 18, 2015
Southern Utah University Program Saves Time & Tuition
Southern Utah University is hoping to save its students time and tuition spent on general education requirements through a specialized new program called Jumpstart GE. The program will launch this fall with an initial cohort of 50 freshmen, who will register for the same 17 credits per semester, cutting general education requirements down to one year instead of the typical two.
June 17, 2015
UMass Attracts Community College Honors Students With New Scholarship
The University of Massachusetts Amherst has launched a new scholarship program designed to encourage top students from the commonwealth’s community colleges to finish their bachelor’s degrees. The scholarship will expand on the work of MassTransfer, an initiative to encourage students to take advantage of community college’s lower costs before completing their degrees at UMass.
June 10, 2015