Topic: policy & research


How Should We Think About College Affordability?

Before colleges can constructively evaluate and improve their pricing and financial aid policies, they should have a solid understanding of what should go into determining how realistic it is for students and families in different circumstances to pay for the education offered, writes the Urban Institute’s Sandy Baum.

May 16, 2017

The Whys and Hows of Shared Leadership in Higher Education

Elizabeth Holcombe and Adrianna Kezar of the University of Southern California look at the possibilities of shared leadership for the higher education sector, which they say will ultimately allow campuses to become more nimble in a complex, constantly changing environment.

May 10, 2017

Reducing Barriers to Transfer for Community College Students

While access to a high-quality and affordable college education is essential, access means little if students are unable to meet their educational goals once they arrive, writes Jon Turk. A new brief from ACE and Hobsons explores upward transfer—the movement from a community college to a four-year institution—for students who matriculate soon after high school.

May 1, 2017

LGBTQ Students on Campus: Issues and Opportunities for Higher Education Leaders

Aligning policy, practice, programming and pedagogy to support LGBTQ students remains a challenge and an opportunity for higher education leaders, writes Michigan State University’s Kristen Renn.

April 10, 2017

Crossing Borders: Helping Colleges and Universities Jumpstart the Conversation on Diversity and Inclusion

A major challenge confronting U.S. colleges and universities today is the need to disentangle the complexities of diversity, social justice and free speech. We talked to Crossing Borders Education founder Arnd Wächter about his organization and its work promoting dialogue as a way to build diversity and inclusion.

March 22, 2017

ACE2017: Leadership in a Changing World

ACE2017, the Council’s 99th Annual Meeting, wrapped up on Tuesday, March 14 in Washington, DC. Along with leadership in a changing world, the meeting also addressed issues related to higher education leadership, equity and social justice, and innovation, and ACE staff have posted blogs covering a selection of these sessions and events. Also included is a selection of videos from ACE2017 plenary sessions.

March 12, 2017

Between Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating the Cost of College

Even with its long-term benefits understood, the challenges for many households to afford college make it clear that the current model cannot simply continue without strategic innovation, writes Geoffrey Brackett, executive vice president of Marist College.

February 17, 2017

Waiting for the Dominoes to Fall

Uncertainty reigns in Washington, DC these days. The surprise election of Donald Trump and the resulting one-party control of the legislative and executive branches makes substantial changes in federal policy over the next two years nearly inevitable. Jon Fansmith looks at what this could mean for federal financial aid.

February 15, 2017

College Promise Programs: Designing Programs to Achieve the Promise

Promise programs have the potential to increase higher education attainment and close persisting gaps, write Laura Perna & Elaine Leigh. But success depends on how the programs are structured, implemented and sustained.

February 13, 2017

Aligning Demographic Shifts and College Participation: Increasing Latino Degree Attainment

Delma Ramos and Morgan Taylor look at the importance of increasing attainment for Latino students, the largest minority group and the second largest racial/ethnic group in the country.

January 25, 2017

Higher Education Can Lead the Way Toward a More Tolerant Society

As Americans, we are privileged to have the world’s premier system of higher education, writes ACE’s Lorelle Espinosa. And as a laboratory for ideas and exchange, higher education can further lead the way to a more tolerant society through the actions of its leaders and the engagement of its whole community of learners.

January 18, 2017

What Can Higher Education Expect From the Trump Administration?

The stunning election of Republican Donald J. Trump as the 45th president of the United States on Nov. 8 reverberated across campuses and here in Washington. Immediately people began to ask, “What does a Trump presidency mean for me and my institution?” ACE’s Jon Fansmith looks at the available evidence to see what the next four years might bring.

November 17, 2016