4 – A rock-cut tomb dating back to the Second Dynasty was uncovered in Saqqara by a team of Japanese and Egyptian archaeologists. The tomb contained artifacts from various periods, spanning over the Late Period, the Ptolemaic period, and the 18th Dynasty. Among the findings were remains of an adult with a colored mask and a small child, in addition to two terracotta statues depicting Isis and Harpocrates.[1]
11 – The Upano Valley sites are discovered as the oldest known complex Amazonian society, predating other such societies by over a millennium. They are located in the Upano River valley in eastern Ecuador, and are a cluster of archaeological sites in the Amazon rainforest, The sites comprise several cities; they are believed to have been inhabited as early as 500 BC.[2]
Discovered a Ist century a.d. roman villa in Bacoli during the works for the new public park, likely belonged to Pliny the Elder.[3]
13 – Two Doric greek temples discovered in Paestum[4]
20 – Discovered a medieval church and tombs under Piazza San Marco in Venice during the stone flooring restoration works.[5]
4 – A 1,200-year-old tomb of the Gran Coclé culture containing the remains of an elite lord, as many as 31 sacrificial victims, and gold artifacts has been discovered in Panama’s El Caño Archaeological Park.[6]
20 – A piece of a medieval leaden papal bull was discovered by members of the Saint Cordula Exploration Association near Wysoka Kamieńska, Poland.[7][8]
29 – A partially complete set of 17th century Hussar armor is discovered in the village of Mikułowice, Poland. The set will go on display at the Castle Museum in Sandomierz after inspection and conservation.[9][10]
5 – A 4.5 m (15 ft) by 3 m (9.8 ft) Mycenaean building along with over 30 ceramic vessels were uncovered on the summit of Mount Ellanio on the Greek island of Aegina. The ceramic vessels were dated back to the Mycenaean palatial period, between 1200–1050 BC.[16]